Monday, October 20, 2014

Reference Satisfaction Survey

Yes, it’s survey time again. 

We will start giving the Reference Satisfaction Survey tomorrow and will continue until we get enough completed surveys.

For those of you who have not helped with our surveys before, here’s a little information for you.
·         The Reference Satisfaction Survey evaluates the assistance users receive regarding reference questions (this does NOT include technical or directional help). 
·          The survey asks users to rate how satisfied they are with the service they are given; from how helpful the staff are to how satisfied they are with the information they received.

For the most part this survey will be handed out from the service points (Reference desks, Periodicals desk, and Special Services desk). After you have assisted a user, ask them to fill out a survey to “evaluate the service they received today”. 

If you are assisting a user by email, phone, or on Blackboard provide the following link to the online survey:

A plastic container will be placed at service points for completed surveys.

Thank you,


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