Tuesday, January 26, 2016

History 1301 Assignment: Library Scavenger Hunt

Hi Reference Team!

Students are working on Dr. Hickman's Library Scavenger Hunt assignment again this semester. I believe this assignment is due on February 1st.  

Yvonne received a copy of the assignment and graciously shared it with me to keep at the Reference Desk.

Here is a screenshot of the first page:

This will remain at the Reference Desk until the first week of Feb. 

I have also let Kim Gragg know since one of the tasks the students have to do is fill out an ILL request.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Thank you, Yvonne, for letting me know and obtaining a copy for me! :)



main b/w printer ink cartridge

Reference Team,

I replaced the ink cartridge in the main b/w printer this morning. The color printer still has black ink so far.


Monday, January 25, 2016

Collaboration Rooms


Students have again used the glass walls of the collaboration rooms as marker boards. I didn't get to speak with the students who did it. I know the marker doesn't come off the glass very well so we might consider putting up a sign letting people know not to do it.



Color Printer Running Low

Just a heads up that the color printer is running low on all colors. It appears that black will be going out before any of the other colors, but we need to keep an eye on it.


Friday, January 15, 2016

Printer Paper Cabinets

Hi Reference Team!

Please make sure when you're checking the printer paper that you're also checking the cabinets for reams.

Crystal put 30 reams in the Periodicals and Copy Center cabinets this morning after I put 20 in them on Monday.

It's especially important during this time of year when students are printing several class materials.

Please let me know if you have any questions!



Thursday, January 14, 2016

Pocket-sized U.S. Constitutions

Today, a student stopped by the Periodicals Desk and asked Sandy if she could see a small copy of the U.S. Constitution because she needed to look at it for class and her teacher said the library had copies.  Don't know who the teacher is, what class it's for, or what the student was supposed to find out.

Sandy called me to ask if we still had copies.  I checked the Marketing & Outreach supply cupboard and got two of the promotional copies we received from a company that sells them.  I put copies at the Periodicals and Reference service desks and labeled them so maybe they won't "walk away."

We don't have copies to give to students in the class, but we did have a couple of copies they can look at in the library.  Students can also find it online.

-- Cathy W.

Money on Guest Copy Card

Recently, I found $1 while I was going to my car and put that amount in the coin can at the Reference Desk so it could be used there as needed.

Today, a long-time student (currently in-between semesters) was signed in as a guest and needed to print a page.  Rather than make him buy a guest card to print 1 page, I used change from the coin can and put $1 on the copy/print card that's in the ref desk supplies.

Hope what I did is okay.

-- Cathy W.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Library Training Center

Hi Reference Team!

Please make sure that you're keeping an eye on the Library Training Center while you're at the desk. Today, the room was left unlocked and a student was found working on a paper by themselves without a reservation. If you find the room empty and unlocked, please turn off the light and lock the door.

If you would like to check to see if there's a reservation, you can call the Circulation Desk, (254)968-9450.

Note that the key to unlock/lock the door is the 558 key which everyone should have access to at the desk.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

