Monday, August 31, 2015

Main B/W Printer

Good Morning Reference Team!

The main b/w printer is low on toner so I'd like everyone to keep an eye on it, please.

If you have any questions on how to change out toner, let either Crystal, Jodie, or me know.



Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Good Evening Reference Team,

   The periodicals printer is jammed, but there is no paper that is accessible through ordinary procedures. I've submitted a work request form, but until the printer is fixed I would advise students against trying to use it. I've also put an out-of-order sign on the card reader.

-Caleb W.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Clouds are down

Chris was trying to reimage the cloud computers last night but it didn't work. Currently all but one of the cloud computers are out of commission.


Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Good Morning,

I wanted to let everyone know that we need to be diligent in checking the copiers, along with the printers. This morning, I was asked to help a woman using the copier in the main level copy center because she believed the copier was out of paper. When I got to the copier, Tray 1 was empty, but Tray 2 was full. I filled Tray 1 and apologized for the inconvenience. I called Leslie to let her know that I believed something was wrong with the copier because it wasn't pulling paper from Tray 2. Leslie then informed me that because of the coin machine the copier won't automatically pull paper from Tray 2 when Tray 1 runs out. We need to make sure Tray 1 stays full at all times. Remember to use paper designated for the copier and to log reams that are put into the copier. Thank you.

Crystal :)

Friday, August 7, 2015

Color Printer

Good Morning Everyone,

Just a quick reminder to keep an eye on the color printer. Magenta and Cyan are pretty low, so I suspect we will need to change them either during Transitions Week or the first week of classes.

Thank you,
Crystal :)