Monday, January 26, 2015

Some more assignments this semester

Be looking out for these 2 assignments. Students will probably be coming in in the next week or so requesting items and/or our assistance. 

Assignment #1:
Dr. Tanter's Modern American and British Poetry class is requesting the following microforms for the years 1916 or 1917 in the journals listed below:
Argosy Weekly—We do not have this title.
The Century Magazine—we have a microcard that covers 1882-1913.
The Forum—We don’t have this title.
The Harper’s Monthly—We have 1900-1905 on a microcard.
Literary DigestIt looks as though this may be available on microform offsite, which means you’d have to fill out a request slip at our Periodicals Desk.     
The North American Review is in our JSTOR database for the years you wanted. 
Assignment #2:
There will be some students from Eng 1302 Honors coming around asking for assistance, as well. They may need a librarian in particular or just need your help getting information. The picture below is a copy of the assignment.

Reporting When Stuff Doesn't Work

I came across and incident this morning and wanted to share it with you all. When I went to the upper level copy room, there was an out of order sign on the printer. I was able to warm it up, looked to see if there was a jam, and turned on the Pharos kiosk, it appeared there was nothing wrong. When I went down the to main desk, I logged in to see if there was a blog post or email stating what was wrong with the printer, nothing. When Chris came in, I told him about it and asked if he had gotten a work request. He said no. It turns out, the printer just needed the toner replaced. When things like this happen, please post it on the reference blog, so that others know what the situation is. It is important for us to keep in constant communication, so we can provide excellent service to our users. If anyone needs training on how to replace the toner in any of the printers or copiers, please feel free to contact me. I would be glad to show you. Remember, if there is an actual computer issue, to put in a computer work request, so Systems can fix the issues, also post it on the reference blog.

Thank you,

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Some Spring Course Assignments

Hey Gang,

I had a student ask for some assistance this afternoon and I thought I'd pass on my finding to you all. Dr. T. Lindsay Baker is using The Annals of America and Life Magazine for his class this semester, so be prepared to help students find those materials. In case you don't know, The Annals of America are in the Reference Collection E173 .A793 and the Life Magazine is located next to the course reserves behind the Circulation Desk.

Dr. Velasco also has an extensive reading list for his courses this semester. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to locate any of the books on his list. The student I helped earlier was under the impression we had several copies, as she says Dr. Velasco told her this. Christy has a list of the readings and is going to attempt to get some ordered. I don't know if this will be anytime soon, so please be patient with our users, as they may become frustrated with not knowing what their options are. If you have any questions, please feel free to talk to anyone from the Reference Department.

Thank you,

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Logging Reams

Hey Gang,

I know that some of you know this already, but I thought it would be beneficial to add it here for reference. When logging reams placed in printers, please initial by the number of reams you write down. The logging sheet has 2 columns: date & # of reams. We want to make sure that only library folk and some Tech Spot persons are actually handling the paper put into the machines. I've already logged some reams on the sheets, so if you have any questions feel free to look at the sheets or ask anyone in reference what the procedure is. Remember that there is a sheet for each printer and copier. :) I hope this was helpful.

Thank you,

Monday, January 12, 2015

Upper Reference Desk Login

Hi All,

The Upper Reference Desk Computer is password protected to prevent students from using the computer. This is a password that is required upon start-up of the computer before you are prompted to enter your NTNET information.

Here is the password: refdsk02

Please let me know if you have any questions about the Upper Reference Desk procedures or computer.

