Thursday, October 29, 2015

Child Development Class Assignment

There's a child development class with an assignment to find picture books for preschoolers fitting various categories.  They don't have to check the books out, just list the title and author, and then have a librarian (or someone working at the reference desk) sign the list for them.

I'll be glad to help them while I am here, but I'm leaving a little after 4 PM today and will be out tomorrow, and the assignment is due on Sunday.  It is an online course, so many of the students may be using their local public libraries for this assignment.  I have signed three so far over the past three days.

Here are the categories, and some tips to find each:

Note too that in LibraryThing in the Comments field, I have put Accelerated Reader information when available.  The first number is a reading level.  That's not as important in this case since these books are for preschoolers and can be read aloud, but a level that's *too* high might have content beyond them.  What you do want to look for is "K-3" after the reading level, as that is the interest level for the book.  There is no "preschool" interest level in Accelerated Reader, but K-3 books should work.

New link for Guest system

Please update any bookmarks you might have in your browsers for the Guest system to:

The old link is giving security certificate errors, so we need to use this one instead. I've updated the link on the staff secure page, and it's going to be updated on this blog as well.



Monday, October 26, 2015

Collaboration Station Mouse

Good Morning,

Team we need to start being more aware of the collaboration stations and more specifically the loose equipment at the stations. Over the past couple of days, three of the mice at the stations have had their batteries taken. We have replaced the batteries in those mice. Let's make it a habit to get up and walk around while we are at the desk to make a better presence. Thank you for all you do. Go Team!

Should you need to replace more batteries in mice, let Christy and Kay know.


Thursday, October 22, 2015

Students looking for 150-page children's books

Students from Dr. Robin Pate's UNIV 0309 class may be in looking for a children's or young adult of at least 150 pages.  They can get any book they want, fiction or nonfiction, poetry or short stories, read it, write a summary, and a personal reflection.  These students are struggling with reading and many cannot tell you what they like to read or are interested in writing about.  I've found all they really care about is getting as close to that 150 mark for page count without going too far over.

You can find a list of some books that meet these criteria here.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Reference Team printers

The printer in periodicals had a note attached saying there is a problem with printing and that if you have something important to print to print it to another printer. The printer in the copy room was completely out of paper, we may have to keep eye on  it, since it is being used as the main printer and the paper is going fast.


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Desk Coverage

Hi Reference Team!

Please make sure that if you're going to be out on vacation or out for any reason that you're getting coverage for your assigned shifts.

You are responsible for finding coverage.

If you have difficulty finding coverage, talk to me so we can make arrangements.

This is extremely important as the Reference Desk is our department's main priority.

Remember: if you do not get coverage, you place a burden on the person working the shift before you and others to make arrangements in order to accommodate for your absence.

Please come speak to me if you have any questions or concerns.

I understand that life happens but the more communication you have with me, the better I can assist you and make sure that the desk is staying manned at all times.



Sunday, October 11, 2015

Computer Mouse

The newest collaboration table on the Main floor is missing a computer mouse. I've looked around for it but have not been able to find it yet.


Thursday, October 1, 2015

Black Toner Low in Color Printer

Please keep an eye on the black toner in the color printer. It is below 10% and should be replaced soon.
