Friday, March 24, 2017

GOVT 2305 Assignment (Dr. Thompson's Course)

Hi Reference Team,

The following is information about an assignment for Dr. Thompson's Federal Government Course:

Please let Cathy or me know if you have any questions.



Thursday, March 23, 2017

Alternate 911 number in case of technical issues

If you call 911 during an emergency and can't get through, please call 254-918-1273 which is the Stephenville Police non-emergency number. 

There's a sticker with the number 
on the reference desk phone, just above the display screen.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Informational Children's Books

Students in Dr. Christopher Sloan's Literacy for the Early Years (READ-3311) class need to bring in an informational text (children's book) this week.  Basically, this would be a nonfiction book - so in general, books that don't have a call number beginning with PZ.

Luckily, Melissa recently cataloged a bunch of said informational children's books, and they are on display on the short stacks across from Yeidi's office.  Students are welcome to use those.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Nursing Course Reserve

We had some confusion today with a student asking for Dr. Pehl's DVD course reserve.  Turns out that I didn't know that Dr. Headstream's name is actually Dr. Headstream-Pehl and her students refer to her as Dr. Pehl.  So if nursing students come asking for a nursing DVD, this is likely the item they need:

Dr. Headstream-Pehl
Mosbys Nursing Video Skills: Physical Examination & Assessment DVD-Rom
Overnight reserve

Just direct them to circ and ask them for Dr. Headstream-Pehl's reserve.


English 3390 - Readings in Adolescent Literature (Dr. Robitaille's Class) Assignment

Hi Reference Team!

Cathy has shared the following copy of Dr. Robitaille's Assignment for English 3390.

I wanted everyone to have access to the assignment in case you get questions at the desk.

Here is also a copy of the resource list for the assignment as well: 

Please let me know if you have any questions!



Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Printer Tray

Margie has informed me that the printer on the Upper Level is jamming a lot lately. We feel that this is due to the fact that Tray 5 is being overfilled. Margie thinks that the printer is sensitive and that the tray should only be about 3/4 full.

Thanks for your cooperation on this matter.
