Monday, February 1, 2016

Agriculture Assignment

Hi Reference Team!

Cathy passed on some information concerning an assignment for Dr. Ford's class:

He is asking the students to find three textbooks (not just the textbooks on the Lower Level) concerning agriculture. This can be any topic as long as it ties into agriculture. For example, swine.

Here are some search terms to try in the catalog:

agriculture AND textbook$

swine AND textbook$

Introduction to agriculture (or their topic).

 If they only want K-12 textbooks, you can limit the type to "Pre-K-12 Textbook" or location to the "Curriculum Collection".

You might also suggest the general call number section for agriculture located upstairs (the S1-S972 section). The students may have better luck browsing the shelves to find textbooks.

I hope these tips help with assisting the students.

Please feel free to comment with any other ideas you may have.

Also, please let me know if you need any help!



1 comment:

  1. One more tip - limiting the location to Curriculum Collection, and not just limiting the type to PreK-12 Textbook, will bring up the numerous textbooks we have in the EDUCAG collection.
