Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Heads up about a current assignment happening in the main floor!

Hi Reference Team!

    Just wanted to let everybody know that we have a big group of students doing a scavenger hunt from Mrs. Millers Class. They are looking for specific topics on encyclopedias and dictionaries. I will be in the upper level to help out!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Call Number Sheets at Reference Desks (Main and Upper Level)

 Hi Reference Team!

At the User Services Supervisors Meeting last week, the supervisors decided that anyone working the Reference Desk should be providing the title, item location, and item type in addition to the call number when we write down information for patrons so that other staff may help them if needed.

Ex: When we send a patron downstairs for an item, the item's details can help Amanda with helping them locate what they need.

Here is a screenshot of the call number sheets that I've created for the Reference Desk to assist us with remembering to write down all the details about the item:

You should be filling this out any time you look up a physical item for a patron.

Please let me know if you have any questions!


Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Cinderella Versions

Students in a Short Story class need to check out a version of Cinderella.  I'm going to have my student worker pull these books and place them on our green cart here on the lower level, but here is a link to a list of the Cinderella versions we have downstairs:


Changed Toner in B/W Main Printer

Hi Reference Team,

I changed the toner in the main black and white printer this morning.

Just wanted to let everyone know that we should be good on toner in that printer for a while.

The Maintenance Kit is low but I verified with Chris that Systems takes care of that part.

Please let me know if you have any questions.



Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Career Services Workshop Today

Career Services will be offering several workshops today in the Library MultiPurpose Room and Library Training Center.

Here is the flyer in case you get any questions out at the Reference Desk: 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Theses/Dissertations, and Textbooks

Just some reminders for all:

- Don't send users downstairs if they want to check out a thesis or dissertation.  The copies down here are in the Special Collections Suite, and they don't circulate.  There *is* a circulating copy in the stacks, and more recent theses and dissertations are also in ProQuest.  Just look up the title or author in our catalog.

- Don't send users downstairs if they are looking for COLLEGE textbooks.  We only have K-12 textbooks on the lower level.


Thursday, September 1, 2016

Dr. Hickman's History 4340 Library Scavenger Hunt Assignment

Hi Reference Team!

Dr. Hickman contacted me letting me know that he revised his yearly Library Scavenger Hunt Assignment. 

This assignment will be due October 12th so we will probably get questions about it over the next month. 

I will print the updated version of his assignment and keep a copy at the Reference Desk. 

He specifically wants his students to use microfilm from offsite so we will need to show students the offsite request form and most likely how to use the microfilm readers. 

Please let me know if you have any questions!



Biology First Year Seminar Library Assignment

Hi Reference Team!

I wanted to give everyone a heads up about a Biology FYS assignment that Dr. Nelson assigned his students due September 12-17th :

The assignment is asking students to write in a call # for journal titles. Amy provided a list of all current periodicals in the library with the call number for the reference desk but we need to show the students how to use the Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory database to look up the first portion of the Library of Congress call number. It’s right below the title info. Amy also provided a brochure which highlights some of the Biology perodicals that we have access to. Please take some time to review the items so that you are familar with them.

Also, he wants students to find hard copy journals and scan an article from the journal. The students can use the photo copiers or the scanner to do this. The students can perform an Advanced Search in our catalog and limit type to Journals and Location to Periodicals to get a list of our print in-house journals (note: some of the results may actually be located offsite so if you cannot find a journal, it's most likely offsite; Amy is working to update this). Students may also browse the periodicals shelves on their own.

The original assignment will be revised based on Cathy's converation with Dr. Neslon about our resources but I will print the current version of the assignment and keep a copy at the desk for you to review.

Please see me if you have any questions about this assignment.



Update to the assignment (added today, September 1st):

Modification of Biology 1100 Library Assignment:

1.      Our periodicals in the library are organized in alphabetical order by title and do not use call numbers.  If you needed those numbers to order something from another library, they can be found in World Cat or Ulrich’s databases.  Since you do not need them for the Tarleton library to find materials, do not provide call numbers for your three biology-related journals.
2.       The library has older journal articles stored and it takes them 0.5-1 day to provide you access to those articles.  On number 4 of the assignment, use 2005 for the year, you were born.