Tuesday, February 28, 2017

JSTOR Problems- Follow Up

Hi Team!

  I spoke to Margie about the issues that some students are having when they try to open any of the JSTOR articles and she informed me that the problem seems to be with the database itself.

She suggests advising the  students to try again later because JSTOR usually don't let these type of problems linger.

The error message that's now showing says the following:.

We are sorry, one of our providers is currently experiencing problems affecting a number of critical functions across the site. We apologize for the inconvenience, and appreciate your patience. We are hopeful that service will be restored soon. If you have any questions, please contact JSTOR Support.


- Yeidi


Problems with JSTOR

Hello Team!

 I just had a student complain that he couldn't access any articles from JSTOR. 

 I verified and he is correct.  First I tried opening them from Discovery @ Tarleton and nothing, 

 then  I tried opening them directly from their database and still the same result. 

  This is what it's showing when you click on article:

Just wanted to let everyone know in case you encounter more students that are having the same 


- Yeidi

Monday, February 27, 2017

Laptop Vending Machine Issues

Hi Reference Team!

I worked yesterday and both the laptop vending machines were not working properly.

Chris informed me a few minutes ago that they are still having intermittent issues.

If the machine is having issues, it will show this as the display:
Display of vending machine (excuse my reflection!)

If a student needs to return their laptop and the screen looks like above, please let Chris know as he can make sure that the student does not get fined. 

Please let Chris, Margie, or me know if you have any questions!



Thursday, February 23, 2017

Dr. Richard Winton's book

I just learned that one of Dr. Winton's students has approached the desk looking for a book written Dr. Winton, saying that it was for a class assignment. Jodee contacted Dr. Winton when she couldn't find information about the book. Come to find out it is not a finished manuscript yet.

He has made arrangements with a professional binder so that he can prerelease chapters of the book that he wants the students to use. If one of his students approaches the desk again then we need to inform them that they'll need to buy it at the campus book store.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Printing PDFs Update

Hi Reference Team!

Margie asked me to pass on the following update about the PDFs not printing correctly using Firefox:

Printing from Firefox, both PDFs and web pages is currently not working. It gives an error message and prints a blank page instead of the document.  If the student gets an error message when they print, tell them not to accept the charge through the Pharos pop-up. This will prevent them from being charged for the blank page print. This is a widespread issue with the latest Firefox update, and is not unique to us. Firefox is going to push a fix for this bug in the March 7th update, but in the meantime students are not able to print from Firefox. The best work around is to have the student open the document in another browser and print from there, or save the PDF to their T: drive and print using Adobe Acrobat. 

Please let Margie or me know if you have any questions!



Monday, February 13, 2017

Main level color printer

The blue cartridge has been replaced , now I'm just keeping an eye on the yellow one.

- Yeidi

RAK Bingo Sheets at Desk

Hi Reference Team!

RAK Bingo Sheet example 
The Student Counseling Center asked that we place these Bingo sheets at the service desks for Random Acts of Kindness Week.

Students can take a sheet and play bingo by performing the acts listed on the sheet. They are utilizing the honor system for this game so there is no way that we can verify if they have performed the tasks listed.

Once they are done with the tasks and have a "Bingo!", they can fill out the back with their information and place the sheet in the box located at the Circulation Desk.

Please let me know if you have any questions!



Printing PDF from public computers


     This morning various students were trying to print PDF's and the pages were coming out 

blank. I spoke to Margie about it and she informed me Chris is working on it. For now it's best 

to print them through internet explorer or have the students save the document in their T 

drive.  The cases this morning were happening both in chrome and firefox. 

Good day everyone!

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Missing item?

I just had a student looking for this item: Backyard production of meat rabbits in Texas. Fortunately I knew where the Texas Document Collection was (lower level) because Cathy told me about it a couple of days ago. Unfortunately, I couldn't find that particular item, even though the catalog says it is here. I also checked the Z range on the upper level in case it had been mistakenly placed there, but didn't find it.

I was able to find some other books that satisfied the student's needs. However, I thought I should spread the word in case you have a student looking for it or if anyone has ideas about where it might be.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Nursing assignment

Hi all,

Ms. Steen's nursing students have been having trouble finding a particular assignment on Blackboard.
Cathy spoke to her about it. The assignment is on the first page of example one.

FYI, there is a Nursing Assignments page on the Staff Wiki.  The page can be found here: http://tarletonlibraries.pbworks.com/w/page/102690217/Nursing%20Assignments


Message from ITS: MyGateway and Chrome

Tarleton's myGateway system does not currently work with the Google Chrome Browser. Attempting to connect to myGateway using Chrome will generate a uPortal error. The workaround for this problem is to use any other browser including Firefox, Internet Explorer/Edge or Safari. IT Services has reported the problem to the vendor that produces the myGateway interface, but we do not have an estimate on when the issue will be resolved.​

If you have questions related to this message or any other technology issue, please contact the Computer Help Desk at 254-968-9885 option 1, or email helpdesk@tarleton.edu

Monday, February 6, 2017

B/W lower level Printer.

Good Morning,

     The toner was replaced in the B/W lower level printer.

Good Day! :)