Monday, October 20, 2014

Reference Satisfaction Survey

Yes, it’s survey time again. 

We will start giving the Reference Satisfaction Survey tomorrow and will continue until we get enough completed surveys.

For those of you who have not helped with our surveys before, here’s a little information for you.
·         The Reference Satisfaction Survey evaluates the assistance users receive regarding reference questions (this does NOT include technical or directional help). 
·          The survey asks users to rate how satisfied they are with the service they are given; from how helpful the staff are to how satisfied they are with the information they received.

For the most part this survey will be handed out from the service points (Reference desks, Periodicals desk, and Special Services desk). After you have assisted a user, ask them to fill out a survey to “evaluate the service they received today”. 

If you are assisting a user by email, phone, or on Blackboard provide the following link to the online survey:

A plastic container will be placed at service points for completed surveys.

Thank you,


Books at Grant Building

  The following books are marked as display in the catalog and they are located in the Grant Building. If someone requests one, please let me know and I will happily go get it for them.

     PS266 .T4 P55 1998  ~State of Mind: Texas Literature and Culture~  Tom Pilkington
     PS374 .W6 C48 2006  ~Chick lit: the new woman’s fiction~  Mallory Young
     F394 .F7 S35 1985  ~Where the West Begins, Fort Worth and Tarrant County~ Janet Schmelzer
     HD7304 .S2 Z44 1983  ~Alazon-Apache Courts~ Donald Zelman
     HV6793 .T4 B35 2001  ~A gangster tour of Texas~  T. Lindsay Baker

     PR2007 .K4 Z68 2013  ~Perilous Passage~ Julie Chappell

Display Books Locations

Now that we have several prime locations for new books and displays, we have come up with a plan to easily locate items marked display. Current location of the books will be marked "display". It will show display when you do a catalog search or discovery search. To know where the books are actually located, you'll need to check Sirsi and the ITEMCAT3. These are the following locations:

  • DREF - reference desk
  • DCASE - display case
  • DLOUNGE - book case in lounge area
  • DPERMANENT - permanent display of 1902 books in limited
We realize that not everyone has access to Sirsi, but you can go to Circulation and find out on Sirsi from there. Here is an example of what Sirsi will look like:

The 1902 books are a special circumstance. They cannot circulate and they are in display cases down in the limited room, so they show as REF-BOOK, LIMITED, & DPERMANENT. These will be the only books on DPERMANENT. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. or *1896. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Dun and Bradstreet

Just wanted to let the Ref desk crew know that I am reshelving the Dun & Bradstreet book that has been at the ref desk because it hasn't been used in awhile. We can bring it back out if students start asking for it again.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Guest Category Reporting

Going through the guest password stats this month, I've noticed a few discrepancies in how we are categorizing guest patrons in that system. I record those stats and report them, so it's important that we select a category for each user, and that we select the correct category, so we know who is using the system.

Please also make sure that you put in a name for each person you give a password to, otherwise that person is not counted in the stats.

I know the categories can be a little up for interpretation (for example, a parent that is also an alumnus), but I've outlined some definitions below, just so we are all on the same page :)

  • Alumni - People who have graduated from Tarleton.
  • Community - A person from Stephenville or the surrounding areas who is not a Tarleton student, faculty, staff or alumnus.
  • Friend of the Library - a person who is a current member of the Friends of the Dick Smith Library group
  • Future Student - A person who has applied for admission to Tarleton, or has been accepted, but not yet started classes or enrolled.
  • Parent - The parent of a Tarleton student.
  • Student- A Tarleton student, who is otherwise unable to log into the computers. Tarleton students (including those who mainly attend classes at other campuses or online) should not normally need to use the guest system. They should use their NTNET log-ins. However, sometimes students are not in the system for whatever reason, and they can use the guest system. This usually happens at the beginning of the semester, if they haven't yet registered for classes for that semester. Students from other schools should be marked as "TexShare". 
  • TexShare - People from other institutions who are using Tarleton resources. This includes students from other colleges (including Ranger College and Weatherford), high school students, visiting professors and lecturers, etc. Please include the person's instution in the "Note" field.
  • Other Guest - pretty self explanatory, but may cover people from outside the area, etc. Please use sparingly.
Thanks everyone for helping me keep our stats correct and for all you do to help our guest patrons!

E-reserves - Don't give out log-in information

Please do not give out log-in information for e-reserves. It is strictly the responsibility of the faculty member to provide that information to their students. If a student can’t remember their e-reserve log-in, they will need to contact their instructor. By circumventing this system, you are putting us at risk for violating copyright/fair use of this material.