Thursday, September 25, 2014

APA Assignment - Concepts of Professional Nursing

I thought I'd forewarn everyone about an assignment I helped some students with. It's an APA assignment. The students are asked to provide a title page and a reference list (that's all). They are given a link to a pdf that has scans of books, articles, & webpages. They have to cite those sources.
If they print the pages, they need to keep them in order because the books have scans of the title page and the publication page. They also have to use a program given to them by the professor to accurately cite the sources.

Concepts to Professional Nursing 2355
Megan Miller, RN
Part of the Pre-Nursing Program

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

How to check ink and paper levels from a computer

After you Login to a computer, choose a browser and key in one of the following:

  • lib_main_p01  
  • lib_main_p02  
  • lib_main_color
  • lib_upper_p01
  • lib_lower_p01
 Lib_main_p01 is located in the copy area and Lib_main_p02 is located in Periodicals.

The above picture shows what you will see once you have chosen which printer to check, it shows ink levels and paper tray levels. Sometimes you will have to include http:// in front of the the printer name/location. This is just a quick overview, if you have any questions please feel free to ask!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Printer Usage WAY WAY UP

Hello Reference Desk Team...

I wanted to let you all know that printing seems to be at an all time high! The past 2 mornings I've checked out 35 reams of paper. That's a lot! Now that I'm back on early mornings, I'll need some assistance checking the paper in the printers in the evening, especially with this high volume usage. I check the cabinets and printers every morning to fill with paper, so just filling the printers in the evenings (after 3:30pm when I leave) will be extremely helpful. Don't forget to log when you put reams in the printers, please.

Also, for now the Periodicals printer bottom tray can only hold 2 reams of paper, it seems to get jammed if there is anymore than that.

Thanks for all of the help to keep the library running smoothly, especially the printing!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Honors Course Numbers

From: Cryer, Ms. Betti -- Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Subject: Change to Honors sections numbers for Spring 2015

Honors course section numbers will change in Spring 2015 because the current numbers do not show up in the add/drop section or the week at a glance of MyGateway.
With the change, students can tell which courses are Honors when they register.
The new lecture sections will begin with HN.  New lab sections will begin with HL.  Below are examples

13141   COMM 1311-HN1    Intro to Speech Communications
             MWF9:00-9:50         NURS 103            Gearhart, Christopher

10253   COMM 1315-HN1    Public Speaking
             TR 8:00-9:15            MATH 221            Howard, Charles

10359   GOVT 2306-HN1    Texas Government 
             MWF 11:00-11:50   EDUC 206            Justice, Jeff

10363   GOVT 2306-HN2    Texas Government

             TR 10:50-12:05       HUM 116            Justice, Jeff

14201   PHYS 2426-HN1     University Physics II
             MWF 9:00-9:50        SCIEN 109            Marble, Daniel

14202   PHYS 2426-HL1      University Physics Lab

             F 2:00-4:50              SCIEN 234            Marble, Daniel
If we have questions, we should contact
    Betti Cryer  |  Manager of Honors Services, Honors College  |  254-968-1888
    Box T-0545  |  Stephenville, TX  76402

Friday, September 12, 2014

Periodicals Archive Online -- pdf files

Some Periodicals Archive Online (PAO) pdf files are a bit tricky to save due to some software issues. 

Margie contacted PAO folk (see below) and received some info (see further below).  Margie will let us know when the issue is fixed:

Margie's email:
  • When one of our students tried to access a social work article (I don't have the name) in PAO, they encountered a problem downloading the full text of the article.
  • They tried to save the article as a PDF using the save button in the PDF viewer, however, the article name prevented her from doing so easily.
  • Normally the article name is something like "docname.pdf". For this article, however, it was something like "doc.pdf-awholebunchofnonsense".
  • We were able to remove the extra characters from the end of the article name and save it as "all file types" and it worked, but I've never encountered this problem in a Proquest Database before, so I thought you might want to know.
  • I was able to replicate the problem with this article:
  • Thanks for looking into this! Margie Maxfield Systems Librarian Tarleton State University

PAO's response:
  • Hello Margie,
  • Thank you for contacting ProQuest Technical Support, and thank you for bringing this to our attention. This is a known issue affecting some articles, and our development team is working to resolve it. We don't have an ETA for this to be completely resolved, but I'll send you an update as soon as I have more information. Let me know if you have any other questions!
  • Eric Harris, Technical Support Consultant II ProQuest | 789 E. Eisenhower Parkway | Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 Phone: 734 707 2391

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Dun & Bradstreet

The infamous Dun & Bradstreet assignment has begun. We have pulled the book and left it on the Reference Desk, for when students come to request it. Students don't typically need help with the assignment beyond requesting the book. Hope this is helpful!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Reference Interviews...the bad and the better

During the Web Institute, the professor showed 2 videos. They portray a good Reference Interview and a Very Bad Reference Interview. They are a bit cheeky, but I thought they would be good to share with everyone who works the desk, especially having a new variety of people out there. I hope they are helpful and are just a fun insight.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Printer Paper vs Copier Paper

I just wanted to put out a quick reminder about the printer and copier paper. Jodie has labeled the shelves in the copy area cabinets with "printer" and "copier". It DOES matter which paper you put in the printers and copiers; they come from different inventory numbers in the supply room. Since we have a new GA starting soon and several student workers helping at the desk, I thought this would be worth mentioning. Don't forget to log how many reams you put in the printers or copiers. If you have any questions, please ask Jodie, Christy, or myself (Crystal) for help. :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Floor Maps/Handouts at the Reference Desk

Hi Reference Desk Team,

If you haven't noticed or been out at the desk since Friday, Jodie and I rearranged the Reference Desk so it will be more approachable for students.

The Floor Maps and Handout Sheets that were located at the front of the desk are now located in the cabinets to the right (if you're sitting down at the desk) which were previously where the printer and copier paper were located. Jodie labeled the cabinet with "Maps".

If you have any questions about the desk, please feel free to ask Jodie or me.

